Telephone quitline counseling is effective with diverse populations and has a broad reach. Therefore, clinicians and healthcare delivery systems should both ensure patient access to quitlines and promote quitline use. (DHSS 2008 Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: A Quick Reference Guide for Clinicians)
What Happens When Your Client Uses New Jersey Quitline?
Phone Enroll
Web Enroll
Provider Referral
Call #1 - Direct transfer to coach after enrollment or delivered during the best time for patient within 24 hours.
Call #1: Set Quit Date Call
Call #1 Content:
• Quit plan call
• The coach supports planning for QD and introduces program resources (portal, courses, e-mail), and doses for NRT
• Schedule call 2
Receives support for quit date prep from quit guide, portal, NRT and program e-mails
Call #2 – Quit date.
Delivered during the best time for the patient.
Quit date +1-2 days.
Call #2: Quit Date Follow-Up
Call #2 Content:
• Progress, relapse prevention/recycle
• Medication compliance or ensure the meds are ordered/acquired
Continues using quit guide, emails, and portal for program support.
Completes the program.
Continues using emails and portal for
program support and/or re-enrolls if eligible
How Do I Refer My Client To The NJ Quitline?
New Jersey Quitline Provider Referral forms
Fax, Auto-Email, or Send via EHR options are available
We provide technical assistance for implementation
Verbal consent is available on this form
Contact us for your customized form
Using Nicotine Replacement Therapy?
NJ Family Care covers all 7 FDA approved medication/nicotine replacement therapy with a presciption. (make this a link to all the Medicaid campaign materials without the medication chart above)
Phone Counseling
Telephone quitlines have proven effective in helping tobacco users to quit using tobacco. Quitlines provide a range of tobacco cessation services, including counseling, medication, self-help materials and referrals to other services. The services are free to the user, convenient, and readily accessible.
Quitline services greatly increase the chances that a smoker will quit successfully. Clinical and community practice guidelines recommend quitlines as an effective intervention for tobacco cessation.
The U.S. Public Health Service’s updated guideline, Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: 2008 Update, found that quitline counseling can more than double a smoker’s chances of quitting, and Quitline counseling combined with medication (such as nicotine replacement therapy) can more than triple the chances of quitting.
For key Findings from the 2020 Surgeon General's report on Smoking Cessation
The Role of Healthcare Professionals and Health Systems use this link.
Smoking Cessation Provider Toolkits
Professional and consumer education, information, and resources in one place.
Easy registration and download process available.
Free Professional Training and Education
Providers can help patients quit by:
Advising them to quit using a brief intervention model
Prescribing cessation medication and nicotine replacement therapy
Connecting them to additional cessation resources, like New Jersey Quitline
Following up with continued support to help prevent relapse
Delegating tasks to improve efficiency and support a coordinated-care approach
Coding to support reimbursement and meeting quality measures
Ask, Advise, Refer: Brief Intervention Model Training
CDC’s evidence-based screening tool for tobacco use
Quick and effective assessment of tobacco use among clients
Training conducted by webinar or on-site by facilitators with extensive Tobacco Treatment Training
Assistance with integration of brief intervention model into existing office operations
Free patient education materials and resources
Fax-to-quit referral forms for New Jersey Quitline and Mom's Quit Connection for Families/Quit for Kids
Customized for staff in-services, department meetings, larger coalition meetings, and conferences
The New Generation of Tobacco Addiction: Vaping
Training conducted by webinar or on-site by facilitators with extensive Tobacco Treatment Training
Information Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS)
Description of the products and recent trends
Discussion of Aerosol vs. Vapor and e-liquid ingredients
Most recent research and use of nicotine replacement therapy
New Jersey Laws and regulations
Cessation resources